Friday, May 9, 2008

Ode to Craig Smith

So, for many of you, you had Craig Smith as a Senior English teacher at Mesa High School. Sadly and happily, she is retiring this year after many wonderful years of teaching lots of punk high school kids. So, please join us all for a lovely get together/par-tay to honor this fab teacher!

When: Tuesday, May 13th from 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Where: Mesa High School Library

Be there to support an awesome teacher and bid her farewell to be her life's goal and wish and ultimate dream, a Chinese farmer! We love you, Craig! (Make sure to spread the word to others who may have had the awesome chance to have Craig as their teacher!)


Becca said...

hey girl! hows life? I got a new blogspot, which means i FINALLY updated it. ha hope you are doing well!

Darrell and Ashlee said...

I absolutly LOVED that class! We had that class together didn't we?
I can't believe how much time has gone by!