Thursday, November 8, 2007


Tyler and I had the lovely opportunity to go to beaches from one coast to the other this summer. We went on our honeymoon to Florida, mostly to go to all the Disney World amusement parks. But, Tyler INSISTED that while we were there, we go to a beach on the east coast. And the rumor is true that the Atlantic Ocean is much warmer than the Pacific Ocean. We drove about an hour from Orlando to Cocoa Beach on Memorial Day. It was pretty crowded, but the perfect day to be at the beach. We stayed for a couple hours that day, and Tyler wanted to go back later that week. So, we did, but the weather was not necessarily beach weather. It was overcast and cold and windy. Nonetheless, we still had a blast both days. Here are some lovely pictures from Cocoa Beach, Florida (My cheeks still look swollen from my D-A-M-N wisdom teeth being taken out just a couple weeks before the wedding!!):

We also went to California towards the end of the summer with Tyler's family. They take a trip to California every summer and camp at one the camping sites near San Diego. This year we stayed at Camp Land on the Bay. I know I am not a camper, but this wasn't REAL camping. We had hot showers and running water and flushing toilets. We just slept in tents and cooked our food outside. We went to the beach every day, and I got FRIED the first day there. California has such nice weather that you don't even realize you are turning into a lobster. This vacation was a lot of fun and I am excited for next summer's trip to Cali. Here are some pictures from our sweet California trip (Tyler and I are lucky enough that our bosses let us have two weeks off in the summer, one for our wedding/honeymoon and one for the Johnson California trip. Thanks Treece's and Pulliam's!!!!!! We have the best bosses EVER! Seriously!):

If you have ever been to the San Diego-ish area, you HAVE to go to VG's. It is the best donut place I think I have ever been to... and I am a perfect judge of whether donuts are good or not. I'm a big fan. I think Tyler has about five shirts from this place. And now I have one too.

Tyler and I being gangsta in our tent on our sweet air mattress after a really long day at the beach. Notice how red my face is, kind of like a lobster...

Messing around with Tyler (a.k.a paparazzi)

Our campsite after it was all cleaned up. See you again next year!

And that, my friends, is why we heart the beach!


Leah Fitts said...

you two are so cute.....babies anytime soon??????

Amelia Johnson said...

WOW! That's a strong negative. I have to finish school first before any little kiddies come along. I am fortunate enough to have Bill and Steph pay for my schooling, so I have to take advantage of it and get my education. Ask me that question after Spring 2009. :)

Alisse Baldwin said...

Spring 09 for you, too? Maybe we should have a graduation party like Brad & Drew's- off the heezy.

Remember how you almost couldn't get off of work for the Johnson Beach trip? I'm so glad they let you. I could use a beach trip right about now. :>

chris+amber said...

I am a beach lover, as well. Seriously, after living in AZ, you'd think ONLY when it's BURNING HOT, you get fried. I need to take my fam to Disney World...someday when I hit the jackpot. Ha...

•stephanie• said...

lovely faces in photos #2, #7, & #8. i'm so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

K so I am very shocked and very pleased with your recent posts. In the last what-2 weeks I have seen pictures of you camping twice! That is awesome! Camping on the beach I guess isn't quite the same as camping since the beach makes up for it! Too fun, I want to go to CA RIGHT NOW! And my white body is screaming for some sun!