It's Drew's 19th birthday today!
Happy Birthday Drewski!
Even though he picks on me sometimes (actually, all the time), I'm still gonna miss him when he leaves to serve his mission in Mexico City. We will all miss him! He rocks!
(These were the only pictures I had of Drew.... Sorry! To see a better tribute/more pictures of cute Drew, see my mom's blog at

good job, sis. sorry he picks on you. it's only because he ♥loves♥ you.
I'm a bad sister. I haven't done a post yet. Way to go, Meems! Happy birthday to my favorite brother!
I can't believe he is 19! I will always think of him and Brad as the little boys that ran around the neighborhood! Cute boys and they will make great missionaries!
happy birthday drew!!!!
Hey Amelia I saw your blog and it is way cute! I have not seen you in forever! I am so glad you are doing good! I added you to my friends list I hope you don't mind.
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