Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A LONG Overdue Post...

It has been WAY too long since I last updated and lots of fun things have happened...
We went to the Diamondbacks game with Aaron and Chanelle - Thanks for inviting us! It was fun, even though we lost horribly. We had sweet seats! Thanks again!

Then we went to Tyler's Aunt Fernie and Uncle Dean's cabin in Strawberry in June with Melanie and Jake. It was nice to get out of the heat for the weekend. Melanie and I intently read Twilight (Amelia) and New Moon (Melanie) while the boys went on an adventure in the woods in the dark. We played games on Saturday night then went to the Natural Bridge on Sunday morning. It was pretty cool, even though I'm not an outdoors-y girl. And we made friends with a chipmunk/squirrel after feeding him a granola bar. He loved us!

Then, my awesome mom took Amanda and me to the American Idol concert. It was so much fun. It was more than 3 hours long of singing and rocking out. I loved it. For a better re-cap, check this posting from my mom... http://stuphfromsteph.blogspot.com/2008/07/idols.html. Her description matches mine and she has better pictures too!

Other than that, we have just been working and going to school, like always. Nothing too exciting, except for the fact that we are going to California this weekend for a whole week and can't wait! More updating to come when we return from a week of fun in the sun...


•stephanie• said...

ahh . . . a slow day at work.

but, it's about time.

have fun in cali.

i hope your pet survives.

Jared Westergard said...

How fun! I love the twilight series! Can't wait for the movie!

Anonymous said...

You are going to become obssessed with Edward/the Twilight series especially if you are hanging out with Melaine. That is all she talks about but thats ok because I'm officially obssessed and IN LOVE with edward... he is amazing. Haha! I can't wait for Break Dawn and we are going to do a girls night and go see the movie at midnight!!

manders said...

long overdue is right! the natural bridge is fancy and it looks like you and mel had a fabulous time reading whilest the boys frolicked in the woods! ha ha.

r+s+a laney said...

hey tell me about living at asu east? i think that's where you said you live. we are thinking about moving home.

Mariley Johnson said...

Hey old neighbor. I hope you're taking care of our old place. We miss you guys, even though you never came around! Looks like a fun trip. Say hi to Melanie for me.

Bingham Fam said...

So fun to see pictures of your guys' summer. I wish we could have all got together last time we were there. It was just super crazy with the big birthday party for Josh's dad. Hopefully we will be there again soon and get to see you. Tell Tyler hi for us.

Chanelle & Aaron said...

Hey! We should go to another game!